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Building a pro-insect platform in Europe

One of the primary objectives of PROteINSECT is to encourage the evolution of a positive and receptive platform in Europe for the utilisation of insect protein in animal feed in the short term and as a direct component of human food in the longer term. This will be achieved through a range of activities aimed at engaging and informing key stakeholders and consumers.

Current European and worldwide legislation, regulation, policies and guidance related to the use of insects in animal feed and food has been mapped in order to establish a starting-point. This has enabled the identification of key challenges and areas that need to be addressed.

A consensus business case for the use of insects in animal feed is being created and will be presented at an expert seminar due to be held in 2014. Additionally, position papers are being developed to provide information tailored to key stakeholder groups which include feed producers, farmers, regulators and animal welfare experts.

Consumer acceptance of insect protein in animal feed will be essential to the success of PROteINSECT. Consequently, consumer opinion in Europe regarding the inclusion of insect protein in feed will be mapped and evaluated throughout the duration of the project via consumer, nutrition, and health organisations.

This work will ultimately lead to the development of a ‘white paper’ to be placed before the European Parliament, in order to ensure that regulatory aspects and consumer issues are brought to the political arena. It is hoped that this will result in changes being made to legislation to support the use of insect protein in feed and food.

1 kg dry weight of insect meal contains approximately 200,000 housefly larvae

House fly larvae meal has a reported protein content of 37.5 -63.1%